Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ben and Anson missions

Missions for our Ben and Anson

One serving already, the other in the MTC! We are so proud!

The mission calls came the same day...Ben was the first to open his...he opens the packet, smiling from ear to ear...slowly drawing out the papers adding to the suspense already hanging in the room...where would he be going?.. He reads...

Quezon, Philippines! Here he comes!!! 

Only a couple of minutes later, after the excitement had died down...Anson begins to crack his open...he slowly pulls out the papers contained in the packet sent directly from Salt Lake Church Headquarters...his life changed forever in this very instant...he flips the pages in his hand over and starts to read...

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. mission!!! The first thing on his mind? I can sleep!!! I don't have to learn a language!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! Jacob's brother just got back from that same mission. He loved it!
